Member-only story
Stop making first dates feel like interviews
There are better ways to learn your date isn’t a serial killer than a series of questions about what music they like.
We’ve all been there, you’ve done the clever pickup lines and witty remarks with you bumble match, to the point where you both have decided to meet up. Not knowing a single thing about this person apart from the fact they like The Office and travelling, you feel the best and safest first date is getting a coffee or a drink together. Somewhere you can both make the judgement on the other person at a safe distance, from across the table.
The other person accepts because it is the “thing to do” but is anyone really looking forward to this first date?
Since my ex and I broke up in October, I dove into the dating scene and boy, did I hate it. First dates sucked, they became nothing more than a box to check in finding someone. I felt like I was running through the motions, nothing was clicking.
Knowing that it might take a couple of tries to find someone, the least you can do is actually enjoy the time you spend searching.
It’s not that the dates are bad as in everyone you meet is an asshole (maybe it is for some people I don’t know you). They are bad as in you fight tooth and…