Hi Anu :)
Thanks so much for reading and engaging! So from my experience, I think you should always submit to publications. The WORST thing that can happen is they reject your article. I've had it happen to me, and it's not fun, but you'll learn a lot more if you make yourself vulnerable to said rejection.
You have to start somewhere kind of thing.
As for your second question I'd be less concerned about the fame about the publication, and focus more on if your story fits.
So for example if I write a relationship article my first place to go will be PS I love you, because they are the obvious fit. If it that gets rejected I may move to a lesser fit but still ballpark like Mind Cafe (self and mental health).
A lot of it too is getting to know the pub, and learning what stories they accept on a daily basis, so read regularly on publications you think you'd be interested in writing for!
Hope this helps :) this article is a tad out dated with changes to Medium, so watch out for a new article about Medium I'll be hopefully releasing in the coming week.
Best of luck!